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Facts Of The Agriculture Industry In Thailand

Khonkaen International Convention and Exposition Center or KICE is one of most comprehensive versatile MICE venue in Northeastern region of Thailand.

  • Sugarcane

    Sugarcane is one of Thailand’s most important agricultural crops and critical to its economy. In 2022, the biggest crop production in Thailand was sugarcane with a volume forecast of around 85.48 million tons. Sugarcane is a vital economic crop, with approximately 100 thousand small holders growing it in Thailand.

  • Cassava

    Cassava, an agro-industrial crop with a well-developed industry and market in the country, is considered one of Thailand’s most important economic crops. Supplying around 67% of the global market, Thailand was ranked as the world’s largest cassava products exporter with annual production of 33 million tons in 2016.

  • Rice

    Rice production in Thailand represents a significant portion of the Thai economy and labor force. Forty percent of Thais work in agriculture, 16 million of them as rice farmers by one estimate.

  • Corn

    According to the Foreign Agricultural Service of the USDA, rice and corn production in Thailand is predicted to reach a record 21million and 5.1million tonnes respectively in the year 2018-19. High corn production is driven by the government’s direct payment program to encourage rice farmers to switch to corn, particularly in the non-irrigated offseason rice areas in the northern region.

  • Palm Oil

    Thailand accounted for 3.8% of the global total Palm Oil production making it the world’s 3rd largest palm oil producer. There are approximately 390,000 Palm Oil farm households across the country representing 80% of the total palm oil production in Thailand.
